

2 FXO Telephony Hardware for Orange Pi Zero Buy/License IRIS4000 is production-grade hardware offering 2 FXO ports. Designed for Orange Pi Zero, it allows development of turn-key telephony solutions with WiFi capability including compact low cost IP PBX. It is…


FXO/FXS Telephony Hardware for Orange Pi Zero Buy/License IRIS3000 is production-grade hardware offering 1 FXO and 1 FXS interface. Designed for Orange Pi Zero, it allows development of turn-key telephony solutions with WiFi capability. It is supported by custom firmware…


Embedded SIP stack License sk400vop is a performance and memory optimized SIP UA stack designed and developed ground-up for embedded VoIP applications including handsets and IoT devices. In fact, it’s the most compact VoIP stack beating the competition by a hefty…